The PANCAnet mediation team

PANCAnet was conceived and designed by a team of three people: Pierre Bertrand, Gilles Dubochet and Francesco Obino. with inputs from many others. The creators of PANCAnet have an important role as mediators on the platform: making sure that everything works, that members access the resources they need, that members don’t miss out on what is going on on the platform, and that the world knows about what happens on the PANCAnet.

Francesco has a background in research (both political theory and institutional ethnography), academic publishing and how to make research work across academia and non-academic organisations. He is Program Manager at the Global Development Network, where he focuses on how to make policy-relevant research become sustainable and impactful in the context of developing countries. photoFO.PNG
Pierre is an economist who specialises on natural resources. He is Senior Program Associate at the Global Development Network and focuses on enhancing collaboration between different disciplines and actors in order to produce policy-relevant research that integrate environmental information into mainstream economic policy.


Gilles passionately believes in the value of collaboration between researchers, practioners and decision makers. He is the founder of Ideas Belong, a consultancy that helps its clients develop co-creation spaces for research-based innovation and evidence-based policy making. Ideas Belong’s unique “toolbox” incorporates Gilles’ experience in research, innovation, science administration and science policy. Gilles holds a PhD in programming languages from the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland. He also worked for European research councils, where he focused on innovation and “open science” practices.